Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Day 6

Look at how fun we are :)

Question: How should the fact that life on earth is just a temporary assignment change the way I am living right now?

This was not so black and white until now. We are ambassadors on earth living for the Lord to share his incredible power until leaving earth and making our way to heaven. My focus should not be on life’s petty details; however, I’m scared, frightened, terrified. It is hard to imagine that whenever in my 21 years I was happiest, heaven will be infinite times better. Life on earth is great no matter the daily battle. Heaven will be fantastic, but dying is frightening. I do not know when my day will be or how painful it will be. The element of surprise and the potential pain worry me.
In eighth grade I had knee surgery. Until that day I had no broken bones, stitches…nothing! It was terrifying. The point of the surgery was to rid my current pain, have rehab, and finally heal to a pain-free life. That middle ground of immediately after surgery and not being able to walk, having my dad tie my shoes, having my leg propped in the middle of English class was all miserable. This is a stretch, but my life feels the same. I’m afraid of the middle ground, the unexpected. We have earth, death, then heaven. I experienced the pain in my knee prior to surgery. It was excruciating. To think that pain could go away was unimaginable but an incredible dream. This life on earth, I—we—experience and are told how wonderful heaven will be but it is still the unimaginable.
No matter how painful the middle ground, once we are to the other side, all misery will be forgotten. I need to look past everything and see the destination of heaven because that beautiful place far outweighs anything, period.

1 comment:

Care said...

AnnaBel, who's the Cute Little Surprise on the far left? Do ya just love the Joyful?!

So great to be with last weekend at Molly's wedding. Enjoyed our Sun am brunch with your folks also. Always a Good Time talkin' the nose off their face. Such blabberMouths, we Murchs!

Lovely wedding, I thought. Wasn't it fun sharing our Fave Moments in the Large Suite with everyone in bed together?? wooppppeeeee!!
What a bunch of Jesus lovin' looney-tunes!!

Here's a wonder-filled quote from my favorite Christian philosopher and author, Dallas Willard: We begin to see our lives in the larger world of a great and good God, who has all eternity, and resources beyond our wildest imagination, to ensure that the life of every individual is ultimately a life that they will receive with boundless gratitude."

All things under God's rulership are and will be redeemed. What a Grand Hope and Future we have in Christ! love to you! care