A few years ago while having a heated discussion about abortion I calmly stated how the baby inside the womb is different than an animal because God gave humans feeling and emotion, thus separating humans from animals.
The girl’s rebuttal?
“Yeah, well God also says in the Bible mentally retarded people are going to hell.”
Mind you, this statement came from a 20-year-old who also said the statement in a nasal, whiney tone (and there is no exaggeration here folks).
When she said it though, I sat there. Speechless. I should have asked her to show me exactly where the Bible says that or provide some other form of literature or prehistoric fossil stating this translation of what God said. Instead the subject managed to change and within 2 minutes I was in my room pacing, raging.
There are numerous frustrations I have with this statement and my heart aches thinking about it. First of all, seriously? We could all put good money down in saying that regardless the translation, the Bible DOES NOT say this.
What angered me more is I felt that was another one of this girl’s exaggerations on the situation, seeing if I would believe it, so lack of a fight was a win for her.
On a higher level though, what if someone actually taught her God cast this unto His people? Where did this source from? Who else is being fed this garbage?
Over the past year I have grown to understand the beauty of variety. I believe people grow in their faith several different ways and that truly is beautiful, enhancing the unique, intricate creation of God. Thus, being reminded by Rob Bell as of late, there are numerous translations of the Bible, one not necessarily being better or more right than the other.
What I take from it? God is love. He loves on others and we should do the same. They will know we are Christians by our love. That is the foundation of God sending down Jesus to die on the cross for us, isn’t it? Everything else builds from there. Or at least that’s my translation…
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