In his mom's Christmas present!
Val Murphy truly was the essence of God’s beautiful creation. Her love for her family was evident in the way she lived during her time on earth. I remember visiting their house and seeing her husband’s lunch lovingly prepared for the next day and she would be sitting at the desk in the living room reviewing their cell phone bill, making a comment to Ryan about a text messaging charge.
She picked Ryan, Mitch Hopper and me up from the Salvation Army after serving soup. She sat in the audience of our City Band concerts Murphy and I performed in and on the Sundays I woke up early enough to attend 8:30 mass versus 10:30, there sat Val and Mike. This past October while visiting over a weekend Val came into their living room, showing us a child/ghost statue that danced and a skeleton that I believe sang “Bad to the Bone.” She found such joy in these figurines, clearly loving to prepare for every holiday.
What I am so thankful and blessed for is the incredible son she raised who has the same joy as his mother. He is so open and welcoming, just enJOYing his time with people, naturally pleasing others with his kind heart.
My heart aches knowing Ryan has to bury his mother tomorrow. Val and Mike raised him into a strong man and I pray for God’s blessing on Mike and Ryan as they begin a new adventure with Val watching over them. They truly are amazing and thank you for the blessings you have given our family!