Day 3
Question: What would my family and friends say is the driving force of my life? What do I want it to be?
Family and friends would maybe say people are my driving force. I enjoy meeting new people, seeing old friends, having a night out. Sometimes I look to people to find joy in my day or help with a problem; however, this is not what I want it to be. God needs to be my driving force, my foundation, my solid rock. It’s a daily struggle to remember to ask God for help. Almost every morning I say a little prayer on the way to work but it has now become routine. Granted, I’m thankful that a part of my daily routine is prayer, but there needs to be that thing I do above and beyond each day to make it special. Looking around at God’s blessings He brings us each day, mentioning God in a conversation instead of leaving in regret on not sharing a special story. There is one conversation in particular I had with a gentlemen this summer and we had just met so we were sharing various life stories, goals, dreams, etc. We were discussing our hometowns, his being in Arizona and he asked why I live here and if I wanted to stay (Please note: He has enjoyed his time in South Dakota, so it was not a sarcastic WHY HERE?). I proceeded to tell him about my semester of school left, the internship program, and how I am just as open to relocating as I am to staying put. Indifferent so to speak. Usually when I tell people this I end with, “God has something in store for me, so we’ll see.” This occasion I did not. It’s like I froze, not necessarily ashamed, but did not feel like saying it this time. It’s not good to live in regret, blah blah blah, but I regret not saying that. I have only encountered this gentleman a couple times since then, and have not really had the opportunity of saying something, ANYTHING about God. That’s an excuse, I know, and I need to learn how to just slip in something about the Man upstairs. It needs to become apart of my daily life and conversation. Right now I pray for another chance to see this man so I can say that random something about God and go from there, but I’m also struggling with why I met this guy in the first place since he is leaving for home next week. It’s situations like this where I need to learn patience and remember, God is and needs to be my driving force, so trust in Him, give my troubles to Him, ask HIM! Lord, I pray for another encounter with this young man, and I also pray you help me take advantage of every opportunity you offer me!
Day 3
Question: What would my family and friends say is the driving force of my life? What do I want it to be?
Family and friends would maybe say people are my driving force. I enjoy meeting new people, seeing old friends, having a night out. Sometimes I look to people to find joy in my day or help with a problem; however, this is not what I want it to be. God needs to be my driving force, my foundation, my solid rock. It’s a daily struggle to remember to ask God for help. Almost every morning I say a little prayer on the way to work but it has now become routine. Granted, I’m thankful that a part of my daily routine is prayer, but there needs to be that thing I do above and beyond each day to make it special. Looking around at God’s blessings He brings us each day, mentioning God in a conversation instead of leaving in regret on not sharing a special story. There is one conversation in particular I had with a gentlemen this summer and we had just met so we were sharing various life stories, goals, dreams, etc. We were discussing our hometowns, his being in Arizona and he asked why I live here and if I wanted to stay (Please note: He has enjoyed his time in South Dakota, so it was not a sarcastic WHY HERE?). I proceeded to tell him about my semester of school left, the internship program, and how I am just as open to relocating as I am to staying put. Indifferent so to speak. Usually when I tell people this I end with, “God has something in store for me, so we’ll see.” This occasion I did not. It’s like I froze, not necessarily ashamed, but did not feel like saying it this time. It’s not good to live in regret, blah blah blah, but I regret not saying that. I have only encountered this gentleman a couple times since then, and have not really had the opportunity of saying something, ANYTHING about God. That’s an excuse, I know, and I need to learn how to just slip in something about the Man upstairs. It needs to become apart of my daily life and conversation. Right now I pray for another chance to see this man so I can say that random something about God and go from there, but I’m also struggling with why I met this guy in the first place since he is leaving for home next week. It’s situations like this where I need to learn patience and remember, God is and needs to be my driving force, so trust in Him, give my troubles to Him, ask HIM! Lord, I pray for another encounter with this young man, and I also pray you help me take advantage of every opportunity you offer me!
Good stuff, Anna. I had a similar regret this week when I was at Taco John's - Yikes! - and said sort of to myself, "Thank you for this food." I was very aware that my 2 friends were sitting there and didn't say my usual, "Lord, I thank You." I regreted that; it was omitted because of fear of what they might think.
On the other hand, I also find that the fragrance of my walk is day in and day out, depending on what I do not just say. The key verse being: "Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through Him."Colossians 3:17
And where's Katy Joy, for cryin' outloud? Must have been out at the Lake with her fam the night this pic was taken WAAAY back in the day..
Actually, she was probably working. The rest of us never had quite the drive she still has!
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